I’m one of the volunteers who are facilitating the promotion of Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Yoga Dharma, as I’m greatly benefited from it. This Health Dharma has solved my spinal pain, digestive disorders, and respiratory problems that can’t be solved with a long-time medication, Chinese Traditional Medicine and Naturopathy. It has changed my life and returned happiness and confidence to me.
The Health Dharma is for the people of all the races, nations, religions, politics, languages, genders or colors. The amazingly fast effect upon chronic diseases such as heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, migraine, spinal pain, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, insomnia, tumor, depression, asthma, hay fever, endocrine disorder, hepatitis, arthritis and others are significant. The Health Dharma can also enhance one’s mental and spiritual well-being to a great extent. There have been millions of successful examples who practice this Dharma all around the world.
I strongly believe that the Health Care Reform should be done in the way that the root of people’s health problems be reduced or eliminated, so that the health care cost of governments or businesses can be cut efficiently and effectively. Therefore, we call upon everyone’s attention to be actively involved in this free Health Dharma project and let more people know about it. Anyone who is interested in improving his or her health holistically can organize at least ten persons for this free course to be held. Special trainer is available. Please find this event in this website or write to me: ghmzmiaoyi@hotmail.com. I share my view to tell you that to learn this Health Dharma for free is much better than paying for health insurance, and I wish everyone good health!
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