Mingsheng Mo I’m from Guangzhou. As a businessman, I have business meals out almost every day, which is always served with alcoholic beverages. As time went on, I could not have […]
The drop of rain falls from the sky and onto the earth. It sinks into the ground and nourishes the tree. It passes through the tree, through its veins, through […]
Zhiyong Lei At the end of this Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma Class, I am writing thisarticle with my deepest appreciation towards Holy Ziguang Shang Shi. I would like to show my thankfulness to Holy Ziguang Shang Shi and the Preachersof the Health […]
The great vow of Holy Ziguang Shang Shi, the manifestation of his compassionate heart, is whoever chants his name can be relieved from suffering and freed from pains. Those who […]
After practicing the Guang Huan Mi Zong Dharma for two months, I have experienced a lot of benefits. I was very sick before I practiced the Guang Huan Mi Zong […]
I would like to give my sincere and heartfelt thanks to Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi for teaching me and allowing me to practice his Esoteric Buddhism Dharma. Ever since […]
Fan Ping B efore joining this therapy course, I was suffering from cataracts and glaucoma. After these few days of the therapy course, my eyes felt much better. I […]
Zhanxiong Wu I could not thank Holy Ziguang Shang Shi enough for his merciful welcome and enlightenment. Since learning Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma, I have gained many […]
Mei Yang The respected and beloved Holy Ziguang Shang Shi, I am Mei Yang, your converted student from Shenzhen. I was shocked by every sentence of your dissemination in the […]
By James Obesity is a rapidly expanding problem that is plaguing the United States and increasingly other parts of the Western and developing world. It has roots in many causes, […]