Fan Ping B efore joining this therapy course, I was suffering from cataracts and glaucoma. After these few days of the therapy course, my eyes felt much better. I […]
Zhanxiong Wu I could not thank Holy Ziguang Shang Shi enough for his merciful welcome and enlightenment. Since learning Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma, I have gained many […]
Mei Yang The respected and beloved Holy Ziguang Shang Shi, I am Mei Yang, your converted student from Shenzhen. I was shocked by every sentence of your dissemination in the […]
Zhimin Zong After these days of practicing the Health Dharma in seclusion and having been enlightened by Holy Ziguang Shang Shi I felt reborn. I felt reborn because […]
Holy Ziguang Shang Shi reveals Maha Meditation for the first time The Secret Dharma beyond the Three Vehicles of Buddhism During this era of continuous natural disasters, wars and epidemics, […]
“Supreme, profound and wonderful dharma, rare to encounter in millions of life times” Inner fire practice is a mysterious esoteric cultivation that is dreamed of by esoteric practitioners, yogis and […]
This article is written by a young philosophor named Joshua. He was enlightened after he heard Holy Ziguang Shang Shi’s Dharma. The Teaching Reflecting True Perfection An introduction and testimony […]
On September 28 – 30, 2010, Honorable Holy Ziguang Shang Shi was cordially invited by the Amsterdam residents, to impart Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma in The Five World […]
Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi, the renowned founder of Guang Huan Mi Zong, mentioned that during the “Dharma Vanishing Era”, devils are raging over the world. The demons of illness […]
Although sports can bring certain health benefits, they did not gain popularity due to the reality of modern people. Consequently, different kinds of medicine and nutrients are produced. Many people […]