Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi explicated the Dharma, illuminated the path, and revealed the road, unveiling us the journey to Nirvana. How to walk this path encompasses countless lessons, requiring each individual to comprehend and experience it personally, constantly adjusting and transforming along the journey.
By Elise At the end of the year 2024, with the blessing of winter snowfall, everything is blanketed in pristine white. We cordially invite the honorable Holy Master Ziguang Shang […]
By Elise When the East Coast was hit by a bone-chilling cold amid the “bomb cyclone” snowstorm, a group of practitioners from a Buddhist temple in upstate New York took […]
On the sacred day of the arrival of the Five Gods of Wealth, pious sentient beings from around the country came to attend this rare convention. With the […]
Source: http://www.guanghuanmizong.info/the-advent-of-holy-mountain-buddha-land/ In the vastness of the universe, the earth is like a drop of water in the sea. In the course of history and evolution, this beautiful blue planet has […]
The great and highly respected Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi is compassionate to all sentient beings. To enlighten sentient beings and relieve them from sufferings, his holiness descends to the […]
By Dragonfly I was invited to my second Buddhist celebration on January 19th, 2011. This celebration was to honor the birth of a very important Buddha – Mahavairocana Buddha. He […]
By Teresa Chiu The first Guang Huan Mi Zong Three-Tier Health Yoga Dharma Course offered to the Amsterdam community was successfully held on June 26 to 28, 2009. Participants from […]
In respond to “United We Serve” proposed by the President Obama, American Sports Committee had made the first step on serving the community. “Guang Huan Mi Zong Three-Tier Health Yoga […]
During the Dharma Vanishing Era, the great highly-respected Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi comes to this Saha world for enlightening all sentient beings of Six Realms. In order to relieve sentient […]